Configure your individual washplace Your taste, your choice

Create your own, individual washbasin area that suits not only your style but also your space requirements in just five easy steps online. Discover the extensive design options in the Geberit ONE bathroom series during your initial bathroom planning phase.

Visually immerse yourself in your dream bathroom and use the Geberit online configuration tool to select the individual components such as washbasin ceramic appliances, bathroom furniture and mirror cabinets that suit your style perfectly. Create a sense of functional and aesthetic unity through your choice of ceramic pan, tap, and washbasin cabinet or washtop.

The 3D graphics enable users to view their choices from various angles, providing them with a realistic image of the entire washbasin area. Additional information on the selected functions is also displayed.

You can save your individual bathroom plans, share them with others or even print them out directly to discuss and bring to life with your sanitary specialist.